All you need is a mouse and some imagination to play this game! It also helps if you like cats and things that are absurd. 

How to play: 

  • The cat gives you a vehicle type to build. To succeed at the build task, make sure your build contains the four required part types shown in the checklist. Click the button to Submit when you're ready, and the cat will tell you if you succeeded. 
  • You get parts for your build from the inventory on the left. There are four tabs along the top that you can click to browse all the different "vehicle" parts. Drag and drop them into the building zone in the center of the play area to add them to your build. 
  • You can manipulate parts (scale, move forward/back, mirror) using the buttons below the build area. Make sure you click a part first to select it. To deselect a part, click the Deselect button. 

That's it! Enjoy :)

P.S. - I would <3 LOVE <3 to see what you build. Please leave a comment with a screenshot of your best build!

Known issues:

  • There are 9 different build types, but sometimes the same few come up over and over again. You can just click "Next Job" a few times 'til you see something new!
  • Sometimes a part gets stuck in the build area and doesn't want to move. 
    • If there's something behind it, move it and try to move the stuck part again.
    • If you mirrored the part, select it, un-mirror it, and try to move it.
    • If all else fails, select and delete the part, or reset the build area (delete all).


Music and Sound: Adam Wilson
Font: "Gaegu" by JIKJI SOFT (from Google Fonts)
Game concept and design, all art assets, UI design, programming*, and absolutely everything else not mentioned above: Me (Cannice)!

*This is my first (almost) solo dev project. In previous jams, I've contributed as an artist, but never a programmer. Turns out you can learn a lot about writing code for Unity in four days. I am indebted to various many humans of the internet whose knowledge sharing via forum posts, quick video tutorials, and detailed documentation helped me to understand and write the code I needed. <3

Thanks for visiting my page, and happy jammin'!


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I also made my dream battleship. Thanks you for enabling me!

I made my dream kitchen!

what more could one want in a kitchen!? (nothing at all, it's perfect)


You unlocked secret upside-down mode! 
A mode I didn't know I even put in the game!
16/10 ingenuity, truly remarkable

P.S. how u do dat

you can scale into the negatives

i'll take 'things i didn't test' for $1000

i am proud of myself

You should be very proud. That's the cutest pizza with feet that I have EVER seen.

(1 edit)

I didn't hit the brief, but look what you made me do to create a puppy 💀

Revenge of WaterMalon

I also made a puppy.

Don't be afraid of Edfrog Scissorhands. 

will he give me free haircuts?

I think the prompt should be obvious lol.

Such beauty, such horn :D

how else is the kitty community supposed to know it's coming?



Amazing, especially for so early in the deadline. There is a glitch where full screen is zoomed in to much :(

Thanks for reporting! I have the opposite issue where it won’t go full screen, not sure how to reproduce the issue you found :/ If you have any more deets let me know!

Built a firetruck with an actual fire on it. 10/10

Less distance to travel to put the fire out. Very economical! Thanks for playing <3